Parents volunteering at a Saturday water stop
The family of a student supporting a water stop
Parents and caregivers play an integral role in the day-to-day operations of Dreamfar. We are sure you have heard that “it takes a village” and at Dreamfar that sentiment rings true. Each season we have approximately twenty-five Saturdays of training runs that rely on volunteers to operate so that all of our athletes can get the nutrition they need as they train together. Stationed at pre-determined intervals along the course our runners can anticipate where they will find the next station, loud cheering, and even a hug or high five from a parent!
Our parents and caregivers also play a vital role in helping ensure that our student athletes are able to participate in social events to celebrate their achievements. Throughout the season our team gathers for socials, fundraising events, and post-Saturday practices to refuel before they tackle the next part of their weekend.
It is our expectation that each mentee’s parents or caregivers volunteer in some capacity for one event each season. Whether it’s staffing a water stop, providing food and drink for a social, or helping at races our largely volunteer organization could always use a few more hands to make each day better.
If you are the parent or caregiver of a current or returning mentee you can sign up to help on by registering online to help out. If you have other skills that you think could be helpful in the development of our organization please reach out to us